January 06, 2025

  • Bill Gates Funnels Millions Into Biolab Developing Mosquito-Delivered Vaccines and GMO Parasites

    Bill Gates Funnels Millions Into Biolab Developing Mosquito-Delivered Vaccines and GMO Parasites


    Bill Gates is funding scientists in the Netherlands to engineer mosquitoes that inject humans with genetically modified malaria parasites—raising serious ethical and safety concerns about bioengineered vaccines delivered without consent.

    If you’ve been following my research over the years, you’ll know this isn’t the first time Bill Gates has been linked to ethically questionable experiments with global consequences.

    But this time, it’s not a vaccine center or pharmaceutical company in the headlines—it’s genetically engineered mosquitoes delivering malaria parasites to humans. Yes, you read that right.

    For years, the mainstream media have bent over backward to “debunk” claims that Bill Gates has been developing bioengineered vaccines and GMO mosquitoes designed to deliver them to humans without consent. But now, a leading peer-reviewed medical journal has quietly confirmed that’s exactly what he’s been doing.

    In a disturbing study published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), researchers at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) in the Netherlands created mosquitoes capable of injecting humans with bioengineered malaria-causing parasites. These parasites travel to the liver and infect red blood cells.

    The implications of this research are as chilling as they are far-reaching. And, of course, Bill Gates is right in the middle of it.

    The same month this study was published, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation handed $2,287,871 to LUMC for the development of “next-generation malaria vaccine candidates.” That’s on top of the $1,578,317 Gates funneled to LUMC just a few months earlier to study malaria vaccine responses in endemic regions.

    This raises some critical questions: Why is Gates so heavily invested in a project using mosquitoes as vaccine delivery systems? And why does this research sound eerily similar to science fiction nightmares—or worse, dystopian conspiracy theories come to life?

    The study itself reads like something out of a horror movie. Researchers exposed participants to 15 to 50 infected mosquito bites in a clinical trial aimed at testing the safety and efficacy of immunization using genetically attenuated parasites, referred to as GA1 and GA2.

    GA1 was engineered to halt development 24 hours after infection, but it barely worked. Only 13% of participants bitten by GA1 mosquitoes didn’t contract malaria. In response, researchers modified the parasite further, creating GA2, which was designed to halt development six days after infection. GA2 showed an 89% effectiveness rate in the short term.

    But here’s the catch—they only tracked participants for 25 days. What happened after that? Nobody knows, because the researchers didn’t bother to check.

    Red Flags: Heart Damage and Safety Concerns

    Even during the short tracking period, there were alarming findings. Two participants showed elevated troponin T levels, a marker for heart muscle damage. While the study’s authors dismissed this as “unrelated,” they failed to provide any real evidence backing that claim.

    As Dr. Richard Bartlett, a medical safety advocate, put it: “Elevated troponin levels are a serious red flag. Troponin is a marker for cardiac injury, not liver damage. Ignoring this is reckless and unacceptable.”

    Dr. Bartlett also pointed out that the study’s short monitoring window—just a few weeks—is grossly inadequate for assessing long-term safety risks. “Where’s the 6-month or 1-year data? Without it, we’re flying blind and putting people at unnecessary risk,” he said.

    Let’s not forget the timing of all this. The Gates Foundation’s funding surge coincides with a spike in experimental approaches like this one. And in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic—which many believe was caused by a lab-engineered pathogen—the public deserves answers about the safety, ethics, and oversight of such projects.

    We’ve seen what happens when oversight is lax and accountability is nonexistent. If we don’t demand transparency now, we could be opening the door to even more dangerous experiments under the guise of “public health.”

    One thing is clear: With Gates’ fingerprints all over this project, it’s time to take a hard look at who’s funding these experiments—and why.


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