March 06, 2025

  • Fired anti-Trump FEMA supervisor speaks out: “It’s agency policy” to discriminate against Trump supporters

    Fired anti-Trump FEMA supervisor speaks out: “It’s agency policy” to discriminate against Trump supporters

    A major corruption scandal within the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is erupting after supervisor Deanne Criswell came forward like a whistleblower to reveal that "it's agency policy" for FEMA to discriminate against conservatives and Donald Trump supporters.

    Criswell was fired for her involvement in sending correspondences to FEMA workers relaying, we know now, what Criswell herself was being told to send them by her superiors.

    At first, it seemed as if Criswell herself was responsible for launching an anti-Trump crusade within FEMA. It turns out that she is merely one cog in a very large corruption wheel that has rendered FEMA a partisan hack job of an agency, much like the rest of the Washington establishment.

    Watch below as Criswell spills the beans about how FEMA corruption basically starts at the very top of the organizational structure.

    "Essentially, she's using the old 'I was just following orders' excuse, but in doing so, she's blowing this scandal wide open in ways that could be unimaginable – and could spell the downfall of this weaponized federal organization," reports Revolver.

    (Related: If this is the first time you are hearing about this particular brand of FEMA corruption, be sure to check out our earlier report to learn more about the events that led to this.)

    Media deception hiding Deanne Criswell's black skin from America

    There is no doubt that Criswell is still one of the "bad guys," so to speak. Just because she is behaving somewhat like a whistleblower does not mean that she deserves to be let off the hook for just following orders.

    At the same time, her words and the revelations therein are a testament to just how much work President-elect Trump has on his plate, assuming he really plans to do right on behalf of the American people like he claims.

    To try to trick the American public about the story, the corporate media machine, in this case CBS News, published a piece portraying Criswell as a white woman rather than the black woman she actually is:

    The Federalist writer Adam Johnston (@ConquestTheory on X / Twitter) tweeted that news organizations "routinely use other photos to perpetuate or protect their preferred narratives."

    "NONE of the legacy media stories about this FEMA supervisor included her picture," Johnston further stressed about the level of gross deception involved.

    "Can you imagine if a white FEMA employee instructed relief workers not to help anyone who had Harris / Walz signs outside their homes?" Johnston asks. "Do you think we'd see their picture in the news? The answer is obviously yes."

    If what Criswell says in the above interview is true, and it appears it is, then Congress has a duty to get involved with the intent of getting to the bottom of the problem in order to remedy it.

    "People don't just need to be fired – if it's true that citizens were denied federal aid because of who they supported politically, then those responsible need to be brought up on criminal charges," Revolver says about the matter.

    "Under federal law, 'deprivation of rights under color of law' makes it a crime for officials to use their position to deny Americans their rights. If that's what happened here, then it's time to hold these bad actors accountable and throw the book at them. We're done with allowing the left to turn America into their own twisted version of North Korea."



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