January 19, 2025

  • Geoengineering: Political Games and Toxic Encounters

    Geoengineering is an issue that concerns us all. In this article we’ll discover what it has to do with wireless technologies and the international drive to transform our society, our atmosphere – our world.


    A technology for modifying our planet

    Geoengineering has a propensity to cause confusion and division, as well as misunderstanding. If you are familiar with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their political position on the environment, you might already know that geoengineering programs are hastily being rolled out by governments of member states to support “climate action” policies and mandates related to the SDG agenda. Many of us will also be familiar with the idea that illegitimately, certain controversial aerial geoengineering programs may have been happening for years.

    Geoengineering, and weather modification programs are receiving more coverage in the news. However, for all the reporting, is there enough transparency about geoengineering – which concerns artificial and speculative measures (of more political than scientific value), for “fixing the climate”?

    Governments around the world are taking baby steps towards officially justifying using aerosolised particulates (like sulphur dioxide, silica, and silver iodide) to support “climate change action” Such stratospheric geoengineering can generate synthetic cloud formations in our skies, which proponents believe will bring benefits. New cloud formations (noticed over the last 30 years) have now been officially documented by the UN, are covered by various publications, and are being classified with new features, behaviours and properties – all while the controversial subject of geoengineering is carefully managed by the media.

    Photo: Sean Alexander Carney. A bulging cloud formation obliterates the blue sky. Natural, or geoengineered?

    A “new” type of cloud formation named Asperitas photographed by Gary McArthur of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) which has documented new “species” of clouds that have appeared over the last 30 years. Such formations have been recorded in the UKbefore massive storms hit”.

    Some “climate” solutions may involve “nano-materials” to modify the atmosphere and environment. Nanomaterials present environmental and health risks, and are a problematic issue for law. Yet, they are sold as part of “a sustainable future”.

    These types of “climate” projects undoubtedly present opportunities for wireless and nano-scale technological transformations of our environment through Industry 4.0 so that the Internet of Things (IoT) can make deeper roots to transform society. Climate action is often being sold alongside a concept known as “Society 5.0“, where all people and things are connected with the Internet of Things (IoT).”

    The message couldn’t be clearer that climate ideology and smart technology developments go hand in hand to transform our society, and in the end, us. We shouldn’t be surprised, because the UN’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation spells it all out and aims for “Universal Connectivity by 2030“….



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