January 19, 2025

  • Insider: Gates Developing October Surprise ‘Supervirus’ To Force Lockdowns Before Election


    Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci are developing an election year “supervirus” to unleash on the United States, cause mass panic, and place the population on lockdown to steal the 2024 election.

    According to an insider, Gates and Fauci are working to create a “supervirus” that combines rNA from SARS-CoV-2, monkeypox, and HIV.

    The goal is to develop a “supervirus” that can be aerosolized, spreading mpox infections from the sky. From those infections, HIV will then be transmitted to others through direct skin-to-skin contact.

    Congratulations are in order if you survived the Covid plandemic with your body, mind and soul intact. The majority of people did not.

    You survived a multi-trillion dollar psychological operation to coerce, control and mandate the human race into a state of submission.

    Your resilience and strength is truly remarkable. You have shown that no matter the challenges, you have the power to endure and overcome.

    But we can’t rest on our laurels because evil doesn’t sleep.

    As we head towards the November election, Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci are developing a new “supervirus” that will combine rNA from SARS-CoV-2, mPox and HIV which researchers warn will form a supervirus capable of wiping out the vast majority of humanity in a short space of time.

    According to biotech analyst Karen Kingston, the supervirus will be aerosolized and sprayed on billions of humans worldwide.

    On Wednesday, Kingston joined Brannon Howse to discuss why Gates and Fauci are working to develop a supervirus with such destructive capabilities.

    Gates and Fauci’s gain-of-function research has nothing to do with health and everything to do with genocide, as Brannon Howse pointed out, referencing the explosive revelations made by the People’s Voice last week about the Deagel predictions which have become official WEF depopulation policy.

    As Karen Kingston points out, there is only one reason to aerosolize the monkeypox virus, and that is to secretly spray it on the masses and force vaccinate the masses with Gates and Fauci’s evil new unlicensed product.

    Last week, whistleblowers from the Gates Foundation came forward with information about the monkeypox vaccine being developed by Gates and Fauci, alleging that they are inserting HIV antigens with the goal of further degrading our immune systems.

    The mainstream media declared the bombshell was fake news because apparently Gates is a saint and philanthropist who would never do anything to harm another human being, not even while visiting Epstein’s pedophile island.

    But as usual, it only took a few weeks for information to come out that proved the People’s Voice right about Gates and the HIV antigens, as Karen Kingston explains.

    You would think that Gates and Fauci desperately attempting to aerosolize monkeypox so they can spray it from the skies, while incorporating HIV into mRNA strands so that there can be skin-to-skin transmission of a “supervirus” would be enough to keep them occupied for summer.

    But evil doesn’t sleep and these two sociopaths are working on yet another way to cause a public health disaster and lockdown the public before the November election.

    Bill Gate has long been a fan of mosquitoes.

    When he is not releasing them on unsuspecting audiences like a bona fide Bond villain, he is visiting his mosquito factory in Colombia that pumps out hundreds of billions of the insects per year.

    Why does Gates think the world needs more mosquitoes?

    Because they are the world’s leading cause of infectious disease.

    The UN’s World Mosquito Program announced last year a plan to release billions of gene-edited mosquitos in Brazil over a 10-year period in a bid to eradicate dengue fever in the country.

    There was just one problem. Gates’ mosquitoes have caused dengue cases to skyrocket.

    In the first five weeks of 2024, over 364,000 cases of dengue infection were reported, according to the country’s health ministry, which is 400 percent higher than cases in the same period of 2023.

    Gates and Fauci are responsible for releasing gene-edited mosquitoes in the United States too.

    Now Mosquitos are introducing a host of rare tropical diseases to North America, including EEE or Eastern Equine Encephalitis, which has a 30-50% death rate according to the Massachusetts Government website.

    Fauci himself was hospitalized last week with a rare case of West Nile virus.

    Is this a case of karma or simply more predictive programming by the elite as they normalize the idea of mosquitoes infecting Americans with rare tropical diseases?

    Only time will tell.

    What we do know is that Gates’ air-dropped genetically-engineered mosquitos have plagued America’s skies for years.

    Four towns in central Massachusetts are locking down at night to “stop the spread” of a rare but potentially deadly mosquito-borne virus.

    Of course, mainstream media is not allowed to report on Bill Gates’ role in this because he is one of their major benefactors.

    Now the man who considers humans to be his lab rats is spending millions to turn mosquitoes into “flying vaccinators” used to vaccinate people without their knowledge or consent.

    Gates, Fauci and their Rockefeller Foundation comrades are racing against time to create an election year virus and place the population on lockdown in order to steal the 2024 election.

    But we have studied the enemy and we understand their modus operandi.

    It’s our duty to educate as many people as possible to expose the elite and destroy their plans before it’s too late. We have done it once already and we will do it again.


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