October 18, 2024

  • Top Pilot Testifies: ‘Bill Gates Is Fumigating Cities With Mood Altering Chemtrails’


    The chemtrails agenda has been hiding in plain sight for decades. Everybody who has been paying attention has noticed the strange and unnatural patterns in the sky above cities and regional centers.

    But the mainstream media have been telling us not to believe our own eyes. They have been gaslighting us on behalf of their paymasters, the global elite, and demonizing anybody who dares to ask questions and do their own research.

    Unfortunately for the elite, in 2024 a succession of brave whistleblowers have come forward to share what they know about the agenda to poison everything under the sun.

    Before we get started, subscribe to the channel on Rumble, sign up to the People’s Voice Locals community to join our incredible team, and check out the new free speech forum.

    According to the mainstream media, unnatural mackerel cloud patterns bizarre grid-like cloud shapes are natural and our skies have always looked this way.

    Never mind the fact that nobody can produce a photograph of a mackerel sky or grid-like pattern in photos from history. Nor can they find a Renaissance or landscape painting from the past that shows these unnatural patterns in the sky.

    The elite have been gaslighting us for decades but we have been recording, researching, and monitoring their lies.

    Now, thanks to people like yourself, people who have spread the word about the truth regarding chemtrails, the dam wall has broken and the lies of the elite are being exposed.

    We are living in a golden age of chemtrails whistleblowing and pilots, military veterans and aviation professionals are coming forward in their droves to alert the population about what is really happening in our skies.

    Despite the mainstream media’s efforts to downplay it, these bizarre geometric lines don’t resemble condensation trails and planes in the past did not leave these lines in the sky.

    Fast forward to 2024 and everyone in North America, Europe, and other parts of the developed world are inhaling toxic chemicals and airborne mRNA, according to whistleblowing pilots who reveal that governments are working with the military and private contractors to medicate the public without their consent.

    According to a US commercial airline captain who is also a military veteran, there is a psychological element to the chemtrail program. Among the mRNA and other aerosolized medical substances they spray, there is something that causes profound depression and hopelessness in people.

    Speaking with his voice digitized to protect his identity, the pilot, who asked to be called Johnny, explains that many people within the chemtrails program commit suicide because they get exposed to a tiny amount of the material they are spraying:

    They are REALLY STRICT about keeping the pilot and crew working on the program away from the chemicals they load into the plane. They have to wear PPE and biohazard gear and work in fume hoods. They keep the stockpiled chemicals in 660 gallon portable tanks.

    A lot of the guys I know who work on the program are true believers. They REALLY believe they are doing something good for the world. I was once told by a pilot that “some hazardous chemicals improve health in small doses, even if exposure to higher doses is lethal.”

    I COULDN’T BELIEVE what I was hearing. Here was a guy who wears the most advanced hi-tech protective equipment in the world making excuses for spraying low doses of a nerve agent on a population center in the US.

    While the chemtrails program has its true believers working from within the corrupt system, many of them have committed suicide in recent years.

    Not because their consciences caught up with them, but because they were exposed to the hazardous cocktail of chemicals they were working with and they became deeply depressed.

    Just like fluoride in our water supply, the poisoned air we are breathing is designed to have a psychological effect on the population.

    The whole thing is designed to keep people unmotivated, lazy, and hopeless. That’s why since the chemtrails program started everyone has felt a bit more depressed. Everything seems a bit more grey. People can’t think clearly and can’t get off their ass to do anything.

    Cities are sprayed with this stuff when the powers-that-be want to make sure nothing kicks off. I’ve had people tell me that they can sense something different in the air. You know, normal people on the ground. They say that something seems off at the moment, and people are all acting strangely. I can tell you this for a fact: they’re not wrong.

    According to the captain, the main reason drugs are aerosolized is so they can be sprayed on the masses from 15,000 feet. Take Estradiol for instance. It was aerosolized a few years ago. Why? Take a look at the side-effects. Cancer, blood clots, heart disease, strokes, infertility, feminization of men, brain fog, and malaise or low energy.

    But it’s not just drugs. It’s also experimental vaccines.

    As the globalist elite find it harder to convince humanity to submit to Covid mRNA shots and endless boosters, they are having to find deceitful new ways to force their mRNA on us.

    As Science Translational Medicine‘s editor Courtney Malo explained in this important article, newly developed airborne vaccines can be used to disseminate mRNA widely and rapidly without relying on injections – or the need to seek consent.

    We have long been warning that the elite plan to poison our food supply, water sources, and fresh air, and now they are making their move. Fluoride has been in our water supply for decades, despite the evidence that it is disastrous for public health and lowers general IQ.

    Now we have evidence mRNA has entered the food supply and is being sprayed on us from above.

    In the last 12 months mainstream media has begun preparing the public for the disclosure that the global elite have been secretly spraying chemtrails on populations for decades.

    Brave whistleblowers are coming forward to share what they know about the inner workings of the chemtrails program, risking their life in the process.

    Kristen Meghan was an environmental specialist nine years into her career with the US Air Force when she decided to blow the whistle on chemtrails operations carried out by the military under cover of darkness.

    As Meghan explained, the elite agenda to block the sun has taken a serious turn this year with Bill Gates and George Soros pumping tens of millions of dollars into schemes to spray aerosols into the atmosphere to shield the earth from the life-giving rays of the sun.

    Suddenly, chemtrails stopped being conspiracy theories and became the supposed cure for climate change.

    But those who have been paying attention know that the propaganda being pumped out by mainstream media is utter hogwash.

    In 1972, the Club of Rome published the book The Limits To Growth, which called for extreme depopulation to save the planet from the plague of humans.

    This book has served as an instruction manual for the global elite ever since its publication.

    They are not even trying to hide it anymore.

    Richard Vobes interviewed a commercial pilot who have been conducting in-depth research into chemtrails who found a link between the program and the Gates Foundation. To protect his anonymity, the pilots had his voices digitized for the interview.

    Now that more pilots and aviation industry professionals are coming forward to expose the agenda to block the sun and slowly poison everything on earth, what can we the people do to put a stop to this?

    Now that more pilots and aviation industry professionals are coming forward to expose the agenda to block the sun and slowly poison everything on earth, what can we the people do to put a stop to this?


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