For years, they mocked and denied it. They told you VAIDS wasn’t real – that it was all in your head. But the truth can’t stay buried forever. Now, the dam is breaking and the Covid cabal are in panic mode.
Researchers at prestigious organizations are admitting the truth about vaccine acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
And whistleblowers within Pfizer are coming forward with a chilling revelation: VAIDS was never just a side effect—it was designed to be contagious.
That’s right. Even the unvaccinated are not safe.
According to Pfizer insiders, the VAIDS epidemic was engineered to peak in late 2025, and when it does, the world will witness an unprecedented wave of deaths—billions gone in a matter of months.
They planned this. They counted on you never finding out.
But now, thanks to brave researchers and whistle blowers, you know. And once you know, there’s no going back.
Have you noticed something different about the vaccinated? The pale, almost greyish complexion… the lingering brain fog… the sudden mood swings… the constant fatigue… and the way even the mildest cold or flu seems to knock them down for weeks?
You’re not alone—these disturbing observations are being reported worldwide and the people are waking up to the truth. No wonder the Covid cabal are in panic mode, like former CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, who is hiding out in Germany.
The crowd at the White House on Thursday made their feelings loud and clear, erupting in boos as Trump acknowledged Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.
Big Pharma has been exposed, and their reputation has never been worse.
If Bourla thought his day couldn’t get any worse, he was in for a rude awakening.
An insider from deep within Bourla’s corrupt empire has stepped forward, blowing the whistle on a chilling truth—VAIDS isn’t a side effect of the vaccine; it was the endgame all along.
Even more disturbing, the entire pandemic and vaccine rollout were meticulously planned to trigger a mass die-off beginning in 2025.
And it gets worse. The whistleblower directly implicates Bourla in this conspiracy against humanity—and they have the receipts. But before we get into that, it’s worth noting that even the academic institutions that once gaslit the public about the jabs are finally starting to admit the truth.
Research scientists connected to a groundbreaking Yale study have uncovered some shocking findings:
- Free spike protein detected in subjects up to 700 days after receiving a COVID shot
- A sustained drop in CD4 cells, pointing to serious long-term immune system devastation.
In simple terms, Yale has proven the existence of vaccine induced AIDS
That’s right, VAIDS—the same condition that the mainstream media and fact checkers have been so determined to suppress since the vaccine rollout in 2021.
The Yale research scientists who risked their careers to defy Big Pharma, have a message for those who still refuse to accept the truth and use the term vaccine-induced AIDS.
As lead resarcher Dr. Akiko Iwasaki said, it’s time to speak plainly and accurately and use the acronym VAIDs with confidence.
After all, the elite openly admitted early in the pandemic that they fused the spike protein with a small amount of HIV.
As if fetal cells, aluminum, and graphene oxide weren’t reason enough to avoid the jabs, they went a step further—they put HIV in them.
Predating the Yale study, scientists at Britain’s prestigious Cambridge University found that more than a quarter of people injected with mRNA Covid jabs suffered what they very diplomatically referred to as an “unintended immune response created by a glitch.”
Huh?! A glitch caused “an unintended immune response” in 25% of the vaccinated?
Megyn Kelly divulged that she was one of the unlucky ones, being diagnosed with an auto-immune disease shortly after she took what she describes as “the damn booster.”
When will people finally address the elephant in the room?
The spike protein, engineered in a Wuhan lab, contains GP120-GAG sequences from HIV.
If you’ve had COVID or taken the vaccine designed to generate spike protein antibodies, you may have triggered an immune response eerily similar to HIV—raising serious concerns about VAIDS.
We have been trying to warn the world for years, while suffering heavy social media censorship for our troubles.
We tried to warn the Australian people that their government’s vaccine mandates must be defied at all costs. Unfortunately, heavily vaccinated Australia is now suffering the consequences and the country’s most senior health officials are breaking down.
So what is VAIDS and why does it cause people to test positive for AIDS?
According to a high-level whistleblower from within Pfizer, VAIDS was deliberately engineered to be contagious, systematically dismantling immune systems on a preset timeline. And for the heavily vaccinated, that clock is about to reach zero.
Remember when Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla went on mainstream TV during the vaccine roll out and had the audacity to call those warning about the shots “criminals”?
Given the devastating consequences of the jabs and the blatant collusion of the elite, there can be no forgiveness—no amnesty—only justice for these crimes against humanity.
Bourla has a serious problem on his hands when it comes to staying out of prison—his own employees can’t stand him. One after another, they keep coming forward to blow the whistle.
First we had a Pfizer whistleblower who released the internal documents that Pfizer wanted to remain under lock and key for 75 years.
There is a heavy viral load of AIDS lurking in every vial of Covid vaccine and the truth has been staring us in the face for years.
Unfortunately, according to a Pfizer whistleblower, those who failed to heed the warnings are going to pay the highest of all prices and later in 2025 we are “going to see deaths like never before.”
Instead of admitting that the vaccines were a catastrophic mistake, the elite are doubling down, pushing agendas that further weaken our immune systems.
But the people are waking up to the hoax thanks to people like yourself and brave whistleblowers and researchers who are not afraid to risk their lives.
World-renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough is raising alarms about a disturbing trend: a surge in positive HIV tests among the vaccinated in heavily vaccinated countries.
Citing nine peer-reviewed studies, McCullough clarified that the vaccines don’t give people HIV. Instead, the diagnoses stem from severe vaccine-induced immunodeficiency—a far more concerning reality.
They unleashed heart attacks, strokes, and cancer through SV40—and now, a VAIDS epidemic is on the horizon.
How many TV presenters must keel over in the studio before their mainstream audiences start to question the propaganda they are being fed by the auto-cue reading news hosts?
How many young and healthy people have to die of strokes, turbo cancer and heart failure before the mainstream begins to wake up and smell the coffee?
How many super fit professional athletes must have cardiac arrests on the field of play before people admit these incidents simply didn’t happen in the past?
The mainstream media is attempting to sweep the information about VAIDS under the carpet and continue the great cover up of this crime against humanity.
It’s time for the hunters are about to become the hunted.
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