There’s microcircuitry inside the Covid injections, says Australian doctor
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05:00 PM Karen Rajabian
Australian general practitioner Dr. David Nixon joined Ikonic to briefly discuss what he has found in Covid injections. He believes the objects he has seen under the microscope, after consulting with others, are components of microcircuitry.
Samples of Covid injections are not easily obtainable, but Dr. Nixon has managed to obtain four Pfizer Covid “vaccine” vials and place samples of them under the microscope. The four vials were from the same manufacturing batch. Although he has only managed to examine four vials, his findings are similar to those of La Quinta Columna and other researchers around the world.
David Icke: What’s Inside The ‘Vaccine’? – Dr David Nixon Shows Right Now the Contents Under the Microscope,9 December 2022 (11 mins) Further reading:
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