Video: Disney Show Has Kids Hold Up Sign Saying “WE LOVE YOU SATAN”
A new Disney Christmas show features a group of children holding up signs that spell out “WE LOVE YOU SATAN,” prompting a backlash from many, particularly in the wake of the Balenciaga scandal.
The incident occurs in the series called Santa Clauses, a Disney + spin off of the popular Tim Allen movies.
Each child holds up a letter, which is supposed to spell out “We Love You Santa,” but a couple of the kids end up in the wrong position.
Obviously, the scene is intended for comic effect, but it isn’t playing well.
The scene comes amid further revelations of designers associated with fashion label Balenciaga promoting satanism, following on from a weird photo shoot which sexualized kids.
As we previously highlighted, despite news outlets declaring the issue to be a “conspiracy theory,” the fashion label was forced to apologize.
Disney angered many parents earlier this year by throwing its weight and funding behind gender reassignment procedures, even for kids, as well as featuring transgender and LGBT characters:
The company was also heavily criticised by Florida governor Ron De Santis following Disney’s public rebuke of his “Parents Rights in Education” bill which prevents children as young as kindergarten age being taught about transgender and gay sex issues in schools.
Tucker Carlson charged that Disney has a “fixation on the sexuality of children” pointing to recent reports that four employees of the media giant were charged with human trafficking in Florida, with one having allegedly sent sexually explicit texts to an law enforcement agent posing as a teenage child.
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