March 12, 2025

Autobiography in the Lord





I am a Jew-Honduran Christian minister, a preacher, a prophetic counselor, public speaker and teacher of the word of God. I’m also a researcher, a writer, an author, a mother, and the chief pastor of the Beautiful Church of God on Broadway, New York. I learned the Holy Scriptures under the guidance and anointing of the Holy Spirit of God (I John 2:26-27).           

Early Life and Young Adulthood  

I was born to Linda Castro and Jose Viera Perez, who raised me in the small town of San Pedro, Honduras.

When I was little, at the age of 6 until I was eighteen, I began to have the same dream repeatedly when I saw the tallest of the trees. Though I never understood this dream until the early years of my walk with the Lord, I saw my own self in future prosperity (Daniel 4:10,20-22). Until the age of 19, my life was what most people would consider typical; including a united family and stable home life. However, at the age of 22 my life changed when I decided to reside in New York City and marry an Armenian at the age of 25. The first of many experiences of discrimination against my nationality and race. This drove me into a state of emotional distress, bitterness, depression and alcohol; affecting not only myself and family, but my daughter. While my family tried to cope with grief, I cried out to God, who mightily responded to me for the very first time.

On December 5, 1995, at 5:30 a.m., while I was sober in the kitchen warming up my daughter’s milk; through the window, I witnessed the heavenly revelation of the Son of God. In the sky, I saw the image of the Lord Jesus Christ as stated in the bible in (Acts 1:9). This was God’s first manifestation and call upon my life.

After seven years, I was introduced to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At the age of 34, on November, 2002, while making the prayer of faith and confessing the Lord as my Savior, at home, I experienced the instant healing power of God upon my life (James 5:13-15). God healed me from depression, insomnia and panic attacks.

Four days later, when I started to surrender my life to the Lord, I received a divine visitation in my room (I Samuel 3:3-4), which was God’s third manifestation of Himself in my life. That was the first time that I heard God’s audible voice just like how others of His servants testify that they have heard it too. Later, God continued to visit me in visions and dreams, as well as speaking to me through others of His prophets. God said and revealed to me His call to serve Him and His will upon the Church. Little by little, I have been able to see and understand God’s plan upon my life just as He had it with others such as Abraham and the promised land (Genesis 12:1-3), John the Baptist, in preparing the way of the Lord (Luke 3:1-12), as well as the apostle Peter when from the Lord Jesus Christ he received the keys of the kingdom of heaven and exercised the authority of God in His Church (Matthew 16:19).

In my life there is a story of sorrow and triumph, poverty and prosperity. I am successfully overcoming troubled life and ongoing persecution by both, the pastors of Time Square Church (modern Sodom), The Church of God Ministry Ministry of Jesus Christ International (Gomorrah), and its neighbors (the U.S. government) among New York City. Since 2005, when I started to receive frequent midnight visions and so revelations from God, since those early years while responding to His call to serve Him and helping others to transform their lives circumstances and discover God’s unique plan of salvation for their lives, I am being persecuted by the pastors of Time Square Church (promised land), and by president Biden who continued the persecution of his predecessors Trump and Barack Obama who did it since year late 2008 in conspiracy with CNN, and the mainstream mercenary media using satellite till today.

Also, social media giants such as Google, Inc., had a role persecuting me, making it difficult for me by suppressing truth on their platforms, hiding my profile from public view as well as deleting my written posts and images on G+ and news on Blogger. By doing it, Google showed that they have taken an evil stand against truth, covering up crimes and war crimes around the world.

To avoid false stories being told about me by false Christians and prophets who have been trying to impersonate me, and give God the glory for all what He has done in my life, the book that I have written entitled “My Testimony for the Glory of God,” also tells the only truth about me and the work of the Lord. This book will soon be in the market for purchase.

I am a preacher of truth. I preach about God (good) against Satan, the devil (evil). Since 2005, when I received the revelations, I have been Preparing the Way of the Lord prior to Him manifesting Himself to the world, while we are witnessing the Signs of The End of Times.

So far, as I have been able to testify, my testimony in God reverberates with men, women and children of all the ages and walk of life – from business executives to the unemployed, from the rich and famous to the impoverished and the poverty stricken. As I preach the word of God, I testify that “I understand, that I have been there and I know how to get out.” Mine is a voice that cries in the wilderness, a voice for the voiceless, boldly declaring the word of truth of the Lord, with a message of hope, truth, and wholeness.  

Prophetic and Healing Ministry 





Throughout the years, little by little, God has revealed to me His judgement upon both, His Church, and the U.S. Government and its neighbors, including the plans that He has for His people among the nations. There are many wonderful written biblical prophecies and prophetic revelations that the people of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah of Israel has made and that we will see fulfilled during this generation and the generations to come.


Just as the prophecy of (Isaiah 40:3-5) was fulfilled in the appearance of my Jewish brother John the Baptist to prepare the way of the Lord Jesus Christ before His mighty manifestation to Israel (Luke 3:1-12), (Isaiah 40:1-8), by the will of God, that same prophecy is fulfilled in me during this generation. As John the Baptist did it, I, myself, have a great and powerful ministry mission to accomplish which is: to give knowledge of salvation to God’s people, by the remission of sins, through the tender mercy of God (Luke 1:76-79), as well as to testify about Jesus Christ as the Son of God (John 1:32-34)and turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God, going before Him in the Spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord Jesus (Luke 1:14-17).

When Jesus walked on earth He healed the cripple, the mute, the blind, the epileptic and the deaf. No disease or sickness was too big, or small for Jesus. The native Christian apostles followed and His current Christian Church servants follow in their Master’s footsteps. By the power of the Holy Spirit and the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, many were and are healed and delivered from sickness and disease. Over many years, due to unbelief (Mark 16:15-18) seen as being applicable for today. Yet (Hebrew 13:8) states:

"Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever"

From there, we will see the evolution of such a powerful prophetic – healing ministry of God during this generation and the generations to come. My journey – from a troubled past without God, to experiencing the abundant life of a true blessed child of God (Genesis 12:1-3); (Proverbs 10:22) – motivates me to spiritually touch people, who like myself, have found themselves without hope.


I would have never dreamed that as a self-proclaimed “messed-up Jewish-Honduran,” I would become one servant of the Most High God! Who could have guessed that the grace I found in the Lord would have started to set me in high places (2 Samuel 22:34)!

My life verses

Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.  This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success (Joshua 1:7-8).

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord (I Corinthians 15:57-58).
