Literalist Chronology of God's Work in Times Square Church and the Suffering of His Servant - PART 3
Published on June 18, 2023, and Updated in Real Time on July 12, 2023
PART 1; PART 2; PART 4; PART 5; PART 6; PART 7; PART 8; PART 9; PART 10; PART 11; PART 12; PART 13; PART 14; PART 15; PART 16
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap (Galatians 6:7-8)
Pastor Tim Dilena preaching at Times Square Church on June 18, 2023
On June 18, 2023, preacher Karen Rajabian didn't attend Times Square Church but missed nothing from that dead Church. But he persecution and threats by the pastors of Times Square Church, NY, against her have continued until this day. See PART 2 of this blog series to read about it.
Truly, Karen Rajabian (contemporary Abraham in the sight of God), in this blog, has advised the modern wicked Pharisees/Sodomites/Canaanites to keep their peace because the word of God is pending to be fulfilled regarding their fate: The oath which He swore to our father Abraham: To grant us that we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies, might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life (Luke 1:73-75). Once Karen steps foot on the altar of the Lord at Times Square Church to preach, she will serve the Lord with peace for the rest of her life.
Today, Pharisee Tim Dilena preached about money. We wrote about money in the "Literalist Chronology of God's Work in Times Square Church and the Suffering of His Servant - PART 2." Of course, as a modern Pharisee himself, he wouldn't preach about the Pharisee’s love for money as Jesus said it:..Now the Pharisees, who were lovers of money, also heard all these things and derided Him. And He said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God (Luke 16:14-15). Starting at minute 1:00:42, you can watch his sermon here.
Certainly, riches possessed the Pharisees, and they haven't left the church of God for the love of money!
Pastor Tim Dilena preaching at Times Square Church on June 18, 2023
Shame on you, Pharisee! You know that the best way to fight money's control is by being givers, but you do not give God His church and all that belongs to Him for the purpose that He needs it for. The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein (Psalms 24:1).
Pastor Tim Dilena preaching at Times Square Church on June 18, 2023
The Pharisees are hungry for money. Tim Dilena continues saying that his 26 sermon letters from A-Z will be published by Christmas or next year. If he does it, he will get the wages of iniquity. In the meantime, the calendar of the wicked Pharisees has been updated below.
World Challenge, a Times Square Church, NY ministry, and the Pharisees have scheduled a pay-to-pray and worship God Conference for August 2 - 4th, 2023. According to them, the purpose of the Conference is to pray and worship God, hoping for the Lord to transform them and our nation.
The Pharisees’ event is about making money, building a good reputation, being praised, and getting glory from the people. These are false Christian practices. God doesn't charge people for entering his church for services. The greedy Pharisees have read in the Bible that God is about humility, meekness, and provision from Himself.
For that show, the Pharisees need Karen. We have understood the messages they have been conveying to her through preaching. The real reason why they have been calling her back into Church lately is because they seek after a sign (tongues of men, healing miracles, wonders, etc.) from her. In an attempt to cover up their shame for being judged by God and thus, forced by Him to get out of the church as a result, the wicked Pharisees have conveyed messages to her, threatening her with distributing pictures and videos they have taken of her during the 18 years they have been persecuting her (this is a crime even before God). This is how they want to manipulate and compel her to join their praying and worship show. The Pharisees want her to attend because they seek a good reputation, praise, and glory from men if while they are in the company of Karen Rajabian, she performs healing miracles, signs, and wonders in the name of Jesus. The problem is that Jesus hasn't told her to perform any sign or healing miracle for the Pharisees in particular but to deliver the message He has given her to His Times Square Church, which will Prepare the Way of the Lord. Karen obeys the word of the Lord:...An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah...(Matthew 12:39).
Let us be clear; as she is the person that God will use for the coming international revival among the nations, Karen Rajabian is sure that the revival will happen, not because the wicked Pharisees will pray about it and God will hear their prayers, but because the Lord God is fulfilling written prophecies. On the other hand, preacher Karen doesn't believe that through prayer, the Pharisees will be transformed by God at all. The following is what Jesus says about it: For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:20). It cannot be more clear than this. God will not heed their prayers regarding transformation and renewal, and they know it. Again, due to His judgment on Times Square Church, God has already commanded the Pharisees/Sodomites/Canaanites to leave the Church and they cannot hide their truth, and no public shame they can avoid.
Do you see what we see below? The pay-to-pray and worship God activity is a profitable business for them. The show will take place at the church and for this activity, entrance tickets are being sold; see it for yourself. These are false religious practices. Jesus said to His disciples, Freely you have received; freely give (Matthew 5:8).
On Tuesday, June 20, 2023, at the 7:00 pm service, Pharisee Stan Jouk preached a sermon with manipulating tactics. As the Pharisees know that preacher Karen Rajabian watches the church sermons online (and even when she doesn't), they continue to convey messages to her through preaching. At this time, Pharisee Stan Jouk preached a sermon on how God is turning the hearts of the young (Karen) to the old (the Pharisees from Times Square Church) and the old to the young (and vice-versa). He said that there is a need to rebuild the relationships between generations. But God isn't turning the hearts of the Pharisees because they did not repent of their sins and rejected the will of God for themselves, not having been baptized by John the Baptist (Luke 7:30).
The title of his sermon, "How to Save Tomorrow," implies that Karen Rajabian must submit herself to the Pharisees as to the way she would save the day out of violence when she returns to the Church to deliver the message of the Lord to Times Square Church as well as future times. They have made a clear threat! The wicked Pharisees insist on manipulating and compelling Karen to submit herself to them. The problem is that Karen has nothing to hide about who she is and that she submits to the Lord only: ...Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws”...(Genesis 26:5).
Below, you can watch Pharisee Jouk's sermon.
On Sunday, June 25, 2023, Pharisee Dilena preached. As explained above, since it is with threats that the Pharisees/Sodomites/Canaanites have been attempting to compel preacher Rajabian to submit to them regarding the events that they want to see happening at the church, and make her pay them one million dollars to stop the public distribution of the images and videos that they have taken of her during the 18 years they have been persecuting her, this has been the second reason why she has kept herself out of Times Square Church; to avoid violence.
However, in his sermon, Pharisee Tim Dilena conveyed a message to her saying that the bid for the images and videos is over. If that statement is true, it was about time to stop the verbal harassment regarding such images and videos. Karen Rajabian is the wrong person for the Pharisees to harass and manipulate. The blind Pharisees cannot see it, and they may wonder why when they read this post.
What is left for them to stop is the persecution and harassment against her. The persecution has been constant and intense outside and at her home. The Pharisees have told her that they are still watching all that she does in the privacy of her home. For this, they have been using the church funds, the congregants’ tithes, and the offerings they receive to afford their crimes against her and others.
There is nothing good we can share with our readers regarding what preacher Rajabian is going through with the wicked Pharisees/Sodomites/Canaanites.
In the above image, we want to show how the Pharisees continue to imitate all things about Karen. At this time we caught Pharisee Dilena using two items that are Karen's favorites to use: an onyx ring and the exact blue iPhone case color. They do not miss one thing. They hate Karen but cannot stop imitating all things about her. Poor Pharisees!
Pastor Tim Dilena preaching at Times Square Church on April 30, 2023
If the Pharisees would have known God's way, they would have not created their own way resisting to hear His voice regarding His work at Times Square Church. John the Baptist and Karen knew God's way and did not hide it from them. They both asked a question reminding them of the opportunity they had to flee from the wrath to come from God upon them: ...“Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?... (Luke 3:7).
Throughout the Bible, one can see that when God had announced a judgment on His people or the nation as a whole, afterward came a reckoning.
On June 27, 2023, one more time, we watched how the Pharisees use the word of God to excuse themselves against the issues we write about on this blog as to the things that are happening between preacher Rajabian and them and why.
Pharisee R.T. Kendall preached a sermon titled “The Family Secret.” There is always a message conveyed to preacher Rajabian as they indirectly excuse their wicked deeds against her before the church through preaching.
He implied that Karen's family has secrets God wants to bring to light through the persecution. That is a lie. Her family has no secrets, and therefore, the low lives Pharisees' persecution against her they cannot justify.
R. T. Kendall, Doctor in the law of the Pharisees preaching at Times Square Church on June 27, 2023
While it is true that the word of God regarding all things works together for the good of those like Karen who love God, who is called according to the purpose of serving Him at Times Square Church and around the world, it doesn’t mean that all the things that the Pharisees have done to her are right and would not work for good towards themselves, Karen, and our communities. This includes things such as first introducing a wiretap and later a camera into her home to hear her business affairs and watch her in the privacy and the intimacy of her home, in addition to taking images and videos of her in and out of her home to extort and manipulate her with.
Trusting God that all things worked together positively for the Abraham of old and that all things will work positively for modern Abraham (Karen), is believing it. God’s way is perfect and always good, and His judgments are just and righteous to the extent that He arose Abraham from stones (Luke 3:7-8) for the purpose of getting some needed things done since the year of 2011, around the world, starting in America. Preacher Rajabian’s book entitled “My Testimony for the Glory of God,” currently in the making, will provide all the details.
In (Genesis 14:1- 24; 15:1), the Abrahams are always the heroes! The oath which He swore to our father Abraham: To grant us that we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies, might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life (Luke 1:73-75).
On Sunday, July 2, 2023, Pharisee Tim Dilena preached on the subject of OBEDIENCE to God, but one more time, he made a lot of noise preaching, and you may wonder why we say this. In the Literalist Chronology of God's Work in Times Square Church and the Suffering of His Servant - PART 2, we wrote about obedience vs the rebellious Pharisees who are defying God.
We took screenshots of the noise the Pharisees make when they preach and would like to share them with you today. One thing to note is that Pharisee Dilena could no longer visually sustain his deception that he was preparing Karen to STAND and PREACH in the last days. That screenshot is missing today because, per our previous post, he doesn’t know what God’s way is and cannot preach about it unless Karen talks about it or publishes her testimony book.
Pharisee Dilena talked about Saul and his fate, who like themselves, were backsliders worshipping God without obeying Him. Saul was something, but the Pharisees are the worse of their kind: blasphemers of the word of God and work of the Holy Spirit, proud, extortioners, lovers of money rather than lovers of God, thieves who devour people’s houses, criminals and totality disobedient to God, etc.
The Pharisees really are vulgar thieves who have devoured preacher Rajabian’s house first with a wiretap and later with camera(s). On the day that they got into her house to install the camera(s), they stole some of her gold jewelry and earrings and a USB containing personal information she had on one of her tables. And what is worse, they are seeing Karen and her daughter naked. Disgusting right? This is very typical of the Sodomites. They not only like to see people naked but do it from behind! The word of God states it all.
In one of the messages conveyed through preaching to Karen Rajabian, she was told by low-life chief Sodomite Carter Colon, that when she wasn’t at home on December 25th, 2022, he installed the camera(s) and that he took her belongings. Afterward, Jesus confirmed to her that she was being watched by many people.
So, yes, do not doubt it, Karen has long ago known that her home is under video surveillance by Times Square Church and, thus, that she is being watched live by that demonic people. We shared this with you in previous postings but did not elaborate.
The reality is that they are perverts, criminals, and greedy false pastors of a church of God. They have a very low way of living and making a living! Remember how they tried to extortionate and manipulate Karen, asking for one million dollars for them to stop the public distribution of the images and videos they have of her. They are so hungry for money!
We cannot dispute it to you; their behavior and way of living cannot be compared to Karen’s not even a bit. She wasn’t born in a golden crib, but she is a decent woman. And not only that, but she is also an obedient woman who submits to God with closed eyes completely. There is not a better reference about her than God’s alone: Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws” (Genesis 26:5). “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness” (Romans 4:3). Undisputable, right? A slap to their faces!
The Pharisees/Sodomites are the second group of perverts and criminals who have Karen’s home under video surveillance. The first group is the U.S. government, together with CNN and the mainstream media since late 2008. Both groups visit this blog and read about each other and what they do to preacher Rajabian.
As we said previously, the Abrahams will be the heroes against all this insanity (Genesis 14:1-24; 15:1). Stay tuned with us, after God’s judgment, there comes a reckoning, and you will see what God is doing in our communities, and around the world! The oath which He swore to our father Abraham: To grant us that we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies, might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life (Luke 1:73-75).
The Pharisees are defying God and make a lot of noise when they preach. They aren’t what they appear to be!
Now, we want to introduce Ricardo Sanchez in the image above, he is the worship band leader of Times Square Church and the one who interprets Spanish to English for the Pharisees from Karen’s home and voice videos they have recorded of her speaking in and out of her home. How do we know it? Ricardo himself said it from the pulpit. Play the video below, and you will confirm it.
Also, in the below image, we want to show you Victoria Griffin, she is the female choir lead singer. Recently, Karen went shopping at Macy's for business suits, and through the camera, the Pharisees saw what she bought. Afterward, they rushed to get Victoria to wear business suits in colors and styles that Karen buys for herself. Remember, Karen’s favorite color is black in business suits, which is one of the things that Pharisee Teresa Colon imitates from her, but now, they have gotten Victoria, who is always at the front of the choir during services, to imitate Karen with other business suits, colors, and styles she wears.
From the collage of images above, the first top 3 images show how Victoria normally dresses during the church worship show, and the 6 bottom images show the clothes they want her to wear ahead of Karen.
The idea is that in all things, they want to be ahead of Karen, even in the most minimum of things. Eventually, when Karen presents herself to the church from the pulpit, she will appear as if she is imitating them in everything which is ridiculous because Karen will tell and repeat everything written here. She is the exclusive person in everything, and they want to make themselves appear otherwise.
Lastly, below, find the calendar of events of the Pharisees updated today.
On Tuesday, July 4, 2023, Pharisee Cloude Houde, who is the senior pastor of the Nouvelle Vie Church in Quebec, Canada, preached a sermon he named “Rise, Take Up Your Bed, and Walk.” This Pharisee has been associated with the Pharisees from Times Square Church (TSC) for many years. He comes to New York all the way from Canada to help persecute, harass, and threaten Karen. Often, he preaches on Tuesday nights at the church, corrupting the word of God to justify the evil deeds of the Pharisees and convey the messages and threats to her on their behalf as they see fit their interests.
You can play the video to see what kind of a sense Pharisee Cloude Houde’s stories give you, while he twists the word of God to get the job done.
In his preaching message, Pharisee Cloude Houde repeated old threats of the Pharisees against Karen.
We have previously written about those threats.
The old threats of Pharisees towards preacher Karen say that if they do not get what they demand from her, they will set Times Square Church ablaze and kill Karen in the burn after breaking her body. They also want to break into her home to steal more of her belongings and destroy it by burning it. They have said this many times. The issue is the people in and around those two buildings! That is in addition to distributing the images and videos to the public, including the church and the Christian community they have taken of her during 18 years of persecution in and out of her home.
You may also remember what they want from Karen.
1. Demanded to continue ministry with preacher Rajabian after God commanded them to leave the church, defying God’s judgment on themselves and imposing themselves over her, who is the new owner of Times Square Church and decides on all things about the church under the lead of the Lord
2. Demanded that we stop writing about them in this blog
3. Demanded Karen’s presence at their paid praying and worship show scheduled for August 2-4, 2023, seeking a good reputation and fame in her company
4. Demanded $1M from preacher Rajabian, extorting and manipulating her
5. Demanded mercy from her not to charge them with crime with the authorities for having invaded her home first with a wiretap and later with a camera(s) to maintain her under video surveillance. That is mercy not to charge them with crime with the federal and city authorities reading these blog posts?
We know that they have already been showing the images around. What is the big deal about those images, Pharisee? You continue making so much noise!
In some images, the Pharisees/Sodomites want to show Karen having soft alcoholic beverages. In the futility of their minds, the Pharisees say that she wasn’t supposed to do so because she is a Christian preacher of the word of God in ministry. They must be blind if they’re unable to see what God says about drinking.
Let’s ask ourselves a question. Why did God say that “Abraham (Karen) obeyed His voice and kept His charge, His commandments, His statutes, and His laws (Genesis 26:5) if, according to the Pharisees, preacher Rajabian is an alcoholic and a drug addict, etc.? Is it that either God or the Pharisees are lying about her?
Well, the word of the Lord is very clear about drinking. Here we provide some bible verses about drinking:
…not given to much wine…(1 Timothy 3:8)
Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:19-21).
So, it doesn’t say that we cannot have a drink at all. We can certainly have cocktails, beer, wine, champagne, or anything of our choice at home, at a party, at a park, at a bar, at a restaurant, etc., as long as we keep ourselves sober-minded and do not get entangled with temptation wherever we are. In other words, self-controlled! (Titus 1:8).
Jesus’ prayer to God the Father was: I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one (John 17:15).
We told you that the Pharisees are blind liars and have very poor knowledge and the understanding and application of the Holy Scriptures. They even get offended by this truth. Jesus Himself says: “Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?” Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch” (Matthew 15:12-14).
Openly speaking, as we know how to do it in this blog, what the Pharisees saw is that Karen doesn’t like strong drinks such as whisky but occasionally has soft drinks in or out of her home. They did not see Karen drunk at all as they pretend to make you believe.
What is the big deal, blind Pharisee? Who are you to judge her if not even God has asked her to stop having soft drinks sometimes? Who are you to condemn Karen, Pharisee? Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns? (Romans 8:33-34).
Jesus has exposed who you are, Pharisee. Then, you, yourself, showed that what Jesus says about you is exactly who you are. And we have seen it all and concluded that Jesus is faithful to His church, exposing and disposing of you as evil from it. Therefore, we have concluded that you are the worst of your kind! What are you talking about?
It is plain and simple, Pharisee, God has never told Karen to stop having soft drinks and never will!
See that the Pharisees cannot use Karen’s soft drinks consumption as an excuse for why they have not yet left the church after God commanded them to do so. They are so, but so hungry for money! For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows (1 Timothy 6:10). Right, we have said this many times! But guess what? Their hunger for money doesn’t stop, this is the reason why they have been resisting obeying God. Remember that they have a praying and worship pay show for August 2 – 4, 2023!
Regarding the threat to Karen’s home, they want to show images and videos of her and her daughter naked. In addition to images and videos of her home because, according to them, is a mess and that she is poor and broken. It appears to be that a black garbage bag containing recycled water bottles left by the entrance door got in its way!
And He said to them,“Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses” (Luke 12:15).
We don’t have images of Karen’s home when the Pharisees got into it to install the camera(s), but we know that she had many things all over the place. Since 2022, little by little, Karen has been packing up her stuff to move out. Since about 2007, when God showed her in a vision the home that He is giving her to move to, she has stopped spending money on new furniture and even renovations; therefore, her home has deteriorated a lot.
What’s the big deal, Pharisees?
They sound like she has committed a crime. Being poor isn’t a crime! What is a crime is what the Pharisees/Sodomites are doing to her, the church of God, and many others. Watching her in the privacy and intimacy of her home, seeing her and her daughter naked, etc., while they still demand what they want from her.
In the context of the ministry of John the Baptist (Karen) as applicable today, their preaching message and that of Jesus about the Pharisees is written in the bible and this blog. God called John the Baptist and Karen Rajabian to ministry and gave them the message they should preach to the people. They positively responded to the call of the Lord, and with many exhortations they preached the gospel of Jesus Christ and brought many things to light (Luke 3:1-18). They preached to the brood of vipers, the Pharisees, and the politicians of their time.
It is the word of God being preached, not Karen’s word! It is all about Jesus and His word being fulfilled in the life of many people, not only the Pharisees. We will soon continue to write about the others.
We wouldn’t call ourselves true servants of God Almighty if we wouldn’t love our enemies, the Pharisees who call themselves “unlovable” for all the evil deeds they have committed against Karen. We just don’t like their behavior and conduct toward Karen, the church of God, and others. Preacher Rajabian has never done anything to them. She is just a servant of God Almighty Who preaches what He wants to tell His people.
Karen Rajabian is commanded by God to preach a message to His Times Square Church and this, the Pharisees/Sodomites/Canaanites cannot permanently stop nor avoid. They may want to stop the live preaching stream online, but they cannot stop Karen from recording God's preaching message to His Times Square Church! They can neither stop the mainstream media from recording the events. Like it always happens, they are everywhere via satellite together with the U.S. government, we doubt not that they will be live via satellite watching it all! So, a video recording of Karen preaching to the church on behalf of the Lord will not be missed.
For now, even if the Pharisees continue calling Karen to return to Times Square Church, she will not come back until they stop scheduling events or have stopped all scheduled events and announce her presentation to the church for the next Sunday after the announcement has been made. Karen Rajabian will then walk to the altar straight to preach God’s message to His church.
In the meantime, do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap (Galatians 6:7-8). The Pharisees will suffer the consequences of their rebellion against God.
God is at work on the judgment of modern Sodom (Times Square Church), Gomorrah (The Church of God Jesus Christ Ministry International), and their Neighbors (the U.S. government). Don’t miss out on our next posts.
On July 9, 2023, again, from the pulpit of Times Square Church, NY, Pharisee Tim Dilena made a lot of noise like a clanging cymbal, preaching without love for the church of God.
Pharisee Dilena preaching at Times Square Church on Sunday, July 9, 2023
On the preaching theme, be left assured that the God Who Answers Prayer answered no one’s prayer to the Pharisees. Jesus told the story: “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other men—extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I possess.’ And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me a sinner!’ I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted” (Luke 18:10-14).
The Pharisees lied to God in prayer, …‘God, I thank You that I am not like other men—extortioners (extorted Karen), unjust (evil), adulterers (the bisexual Sodomite style), how much more did they lie to the people about their prayers and petitions to God? They had low lifestyles and were worse than that!
For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers; but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil” (1 Peter 3:12). Therefore, God only hears the prayers of the righteous men such as Abraham. “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness” (Romans 4:3).
For the last few years, the Pharisees’ prayer to God and that of the people they prayed with, hoped for the Lord to heed those prayers regarding His judgment on themselves as Sodomites/Pharisees/Canaanites hoping for God to change His mind on His demand for them to leave the church and continue ministry with Karen. But God has been far from them. Their prayer meetings have been pure theater.
The Sodomites/Pharisees/Canaanites have shown to be having so much fun justifying their evil deeds against the church of God, which includes Karen, and proving their hunger for money. What their fate regarding God’s judgment is going to be?
Jesus has the answer. As I hear, I judge (John 5:30). For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:37).
If that is how Jesus judges us, especially the Sodomites/Pharisees, how is the Lord going to go about serving justice?
In his sermon, blind Pharisee Dilena asked if Abraham (Karen) is involved in God’s charges.
Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws” (Genesis 26:5). But, did Pharisee Dilena refer to these charges against the Sodomites/Pharisees/Canaanites in his sermon? What do you think?
1. Conspiracy: Engagement in a long-standing plot to persecute and commit crimes against her.
2. Everyday Persecution: Stalking and harassment in her neighborhood for 19 years.
3. Persecution from City to City: Targeting her across various cities from 2005 to the present.
4. Surveillance: Unauthorized collection of images, videos, and voice recordings of Karen alone or with others, and public distribution without consent.
5. Trespassing:
- In 2005, a violation of her home’s privacy through a wiretap installation, which was removed by the 108th Precinct, though no arrests were made at the time.
- Continued invasion of her privacy and her family’s home, including the use of wiretaps.6. Invasion of Privacy: Illegal wiretapping at her workplaces and business locations.
7. Repeated Trespassing:
- In 2005, a second wiretap was installed in her home, and it remains in place to this day.
- The ongoing invasion of her privacy.
8. Third Trespassing:
- In 2022, they accessed her personal home to steal the IPs of her devices, subjecting her to 24/7 video surveillance and tracking her internet activity.
9. Burglary: Theft of personal property.
10. Theft:
- Possession of stolen items, including gold jewelry.- Intellectual property theft.
11. Coercion:
- Using threats to incite and command others to commit violent acts against Karen, her property, and her church.
- Death threats and threats of bodily harm.
- Intimidation through threats of violence against the church and its surrounding areas.
12. Incitement: Encouraging law enforcement to aid in committing crimes against Karen.
13. Harassment: Continuous harassment over an extended period.
14. Defamation:
- The use of defamatory verbal statements and visual materials.
- Public broadcasting and publishing of these defamatory materials.
15. Mental Torture: Continuous psychological abuse from 2005 to the present.
16. Disturbance of Peace: Ongoing disruption of her peace and tranquility since 2005.
17. Inhumane Treatment: Subjecting Karen to cruel and degrading treatment.
18. Church Fraud: Misuse of church funds to facilitate criminal activities, ongoing since 2005.
Blind Pharisee Dilena can only preach what he learns from preacher Rajabian. Overall, the Pharisees can only see through her eyes.
After Abraham’s battle against his enemies, which includes the Sodomites of his time, God blessed him, saying: “Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth; and blessed be God Most High, Who has delivered your enemies into your hand” (Genesis 14:20).
What is God's way of serving justice against you all, brood of vipers and blind Pharisees?
On July 11, 2023, John Bailey, another viper from the family of snakes (the Pharisees), preached a sermon named “Deep Clean” to convey a message and a threat to preacher Karen Rajabian.
The Pharisees are now demanding that Karen tell them what they should tell the church regarding the reason why it has taken her 18 years to deliver the message of the Lord to His Times Square Church as if they don’t have anything to do with the opposition they have made to obey God’s command to leave the church for the love of money. They are concerned about their reputation!
The Pharisees/Sodomites/Canaanites have implied that it all falls on Karen’s side for dwelling in sin. They sang the same noisy song, saying that she is an alcoholic, drug addict, adulterer, etc.; and that she needs a deep clean which they will do by telling the church about it if she doesn’t give them an answer as to why it has taken her 18 years of persecution from their part for her to receive the church of the Lord as He has commanded it.
That brood of vipers are experts in lying and deceiving people. If they tell lies to the church about Karen, it will be nothing new that they do. We are tired of threats, so they can go ahead and do what they know how to do best. After all, when Karen “Prepares the Way of the Lord” and preaches to the church of God, she will also deliver a prophetic message to be fulfilled soon, and ALL truth will come to light.
We told you that what the Lord is doing in our communities and worldwide is written in the bible, and they cannot see it due to blindness. They need to see things through Karen’s eyes and join her Bible 101 Class!
In the meantime, let’s concern ourselves with some facts as to who God says Abraham (Karen) is:
1. She is a person whom God foreknew, predestined, called, justified and glorified (Romans 8:29-30).
2. A person who lived in a city of idolatry when God asked her to leave her country and separate herself from that environment of spiritual darkness (Joshua 24:2-3).
3. A person whom God Himself preached the gospel to (Galatians 3:8).
4. A person who positively responded to God's call to serve and allowed Him to transform her from image to image and glory to glory. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18).
5. A person stopped by God Himself when trying to do something against His will (Genesis 22:9-12). (Genesis 20:1-18).
6. A good sinner (Ecclesiastes 7:20).
7. A person whom God has forgiven her sins and forgotten them. “I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins (Isaiah 43:25).
8. A person who God changed her way of thinking and made her wise regarding behavior and conduct. "Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom" (James 3:13).
9. A person whose trust, obedience, dependence on God, and faithfulness to Him were tested by the Lord (Genesis 22:1-19), (Genesis 26:5), (Hebrews 11:8-10), (Hebrews 11:17-19).
10. A person who triumphed in God’s tests demonstrated her trust, obedience, dependence on Him, and faithfulness, even when tested by the Lord’s command to sacrifice her daughter (Genesis 22:1-19), (Hebrews 11:17-19).11. A person who is a sheep of the Lord and hears His voice. My sheep hear My voice (John 10:27). Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws (Genesis 26:5).
12. A person who not only obeys God’s voice but keeps His charge, His commandments, His statutes, and His laws (Genesis 26:5).
13. A person who obeys the commands of the Lord by faith (Genesis 22:18), (Hebrews 11:8-12).
14. A person with a faithful heart (Nehemiah 9:7-8).15. A person whose high spiritual profile in the sight of the Lord cannot be disputed (Genesis 14:1-24 – Genesis 25:1-11).
16. A person whom God appears to (Genesis 12:7).
17. A person who stands in the presence of whom she believed, God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did (Romans 4:17).
18. A priest and the forerunner of the Levitical priesthood, she built altars to God (Hebrews 7:1-10), (Genesis 12:7-8, Genesis 13:18), engages in worship (Genesis 14:20), and offers sacrifices to the Lord (Genesis 14:18).
19. A person of faith who did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief (Romans 4:19-22).
20. A person who God taught to not fear. “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your exceedingly great reward” (Genesis 15:1).
21. A wise and knowledgeable person who fears and reveres God (Genesis 22:12), (Proverbs 9:10).
22. A person who learned the Holy Scriptures under the guidance and anointing of the Holy Spirit of God (I John 2:26-27).
23. A peacemaker person who proposes to separate from people to avoid strife over their interests, allowing others the first choice (Genesis 13:5-9).
24. A person whom God calls prophet (Genesis 20:7), and a mighty princess by the people in the community and around the world (Genesis 23:6).
25. A person of valor who confronted the evil of politicians and rulers of the people of different levels in society (Genesis 14:10-17).
26. A princess warrior and great military commander (Genesis 14:1-24).
27. A hero who God swore an oath to (Luke 1:73-75), (Genesis 14:20).
28. A person whose patience did not grow overnight (Genesis 16:1-4); (Hebrews 6:13-15).29. A person led by God from city to city (Joshua 24:3), (Genesis 12:1-3), from altar to altar [from church to church (Genesis 12:7-9)] by different means at all times (Genesis 12:6-7; 13:12-18; 15:1-21; 17:1-22; 18:1-10; 18:17-33; 21:1-7; 21:12-13; 22:1-18).
30. A spiritual person who has fellowship with God as He speaks to her many times by different means (Genesis 12:1-3; 12:7-9; 13:14-18; 15:1-21; 17:1-27; 18:1-33; 21:1-24; 22:1-14).
31. A person very well known as a friend of God (2 Chronicles 20:7) as the Lord, Himself calls her His friend (Isaiah 41:8); (James 2:23).
32. A person who interacts with the angels of the Lord (Genesis 18:1-33; 22:11-19).
33. A person displeased with problems in the home (Genesis 20:9-13).
34. A mother who cares about the destiny of her descendants (Genesis 20:17); (Genesis 25:1-6).
35. A person known by God Himself that she would command her children and her household after her, that they keep the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and justice (Genesis 18:17-19).
36. A matriarch (Hebrews 7:4).
37. A person called the spiritual "mother of all those who believe" (Romans 4:11-12), the "mother of us all" (Romans 4:16).
38. A person with spiritual values who looks to her desire to find a suitable husband for her daughter (Genesis 24:1-67).
39. A non-arrogant person who patiently and gently rebukes the ungodly; perfectly managing conflict; and maintaining a peaceful relationship with his neighbors in the community (Genesis 21:22-34).
40. A person loved and respected by her neighbors (Genesis 23:1-6).
41. A respectful woman who bows herself down to others (Genesis 23:7,12).
42. A non-covetous person who negotiated for water rights not even being dearer than such a coveted possession of the well of living water dug by her own men (Genesis 21:22-34).
43. A generous person with others (Genesis 13:9; 14:23-24).
44. A person faithful to God, who takes no bribes and resists temptation (Genesis 14:22-24).
45. A covenant keeper person (Genesis 17:23-27).
46. A person used by God to heal people (Genesis 20:17-18).
47. A person who prostrates herself before the Lord (Genesis 17:3, 17; 18:1-2).
48. A worshipper (Genesis 22:5).
49. A worshipper whom God appeared and spoke to during worship (Genesis 12:7) as she worships God in spirit and truth (John 4:23); (John 9:31).
50. A person that prays and receives an answer from God (Genesis 15:2-4; 17:20; 20:17-18), (John 9:31).
51. A person who persistently intercedes for others before God. She in the past asked for the city of Sodom to be spared if there are righteous who are in it (Genesis 18:16-33).
52. A person who honors God (Genesis 14:18-20; 18:2-8).
53. A person who acknowledges God (Genesis 21:22).
54. A person who believes God in everything, and it is accounted to her as righteousness (Genesis 15:6); (Galatians 3:6).
55. A person whose faith was accounted to her for righteousness and received the sign of circumcision of the heart as the seal of righteousness while being uncircumcised (Romans 4:9-12), (Deuteronomy 10:16).56. A person in whom God would bless or curse the people who blessed or curse her and her descendants (Genesis 12:3)
57. A person whose sample of faith becomes a life-changing blessing to all nations as the gospel spreads (Hebrew 11:8-9); people are blessed in believing her faith (Galatians 3:6-9).
58. A person who contrary to hope, in hope believes, so that she becomes the mother of many nations, according to what was spoken, “So shall your descendants be” (Romans 4:18).
59. A person who tithes to the Lord (Genesis 14:18-20).
60. A person whom God will give one of the most honorable names in history (Genesis 12:2; 17:5).
61. A person who God will bless in all things (Genesis 24:1), wealth (Genesis 12:10-16), (Genesis 13:1-2); riches (Genesis 20:14-16); health (Genesis 15:15); a land (Genesis 13:14-15; 17:8); a son (Genesis 21:1-7); the Lord who’s her exceedingly reward (Genesis 15:1) being that when she dies, her spirit will go to paradise (Luke 16:19-31).
62. A spiritual person of good testimony (Genesis 21:22).
63. A person whom the Lord used to encourage believers, serving as an example to hold firm to their belief, faith, obedience, and the promises of God (Hebrews 6:15), (Genesis 26:5), (James 2:23).
64. A person whom God supports in everything that she does (Genesis 21:22).
Karen is who God says she is. True servants of the Lord like her share their testimonies as to who they were without God and who they are in Jesus Christ as she did in this series. The Pharisees are better jealous of who Go says she is.
Who Abraham and Karen are cannot be defined by the Pharisees/Sodomites/Canaanites but by the Lord God. Abraham had many things God liked, except one thing.
Pharisee Dilena, you said that you have been preaching to prepare Karen to preach and stand in the last days (the End Times), so, what was the ONE THING that Abraham lacked and needed to have in the sight of God?
Also, what is God's way of serving justice against you all, brood of vipers and blind Pharisees?
This Literalist Chronology of God's Work in Times Square Church and the Suffering of His Servant will continue to be updated until God's land of promise is finally possessed by Karen Rajabian.
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